Wednesday, March 19, 2014

BUSIER WEEK! * he makes me smile so much*

We got like 4 potential investigators that we knocked into that we're gonna try this next week.
We did get one new investigator. Her name is Jenice. She's like 25 and has a little baby boy. She let us in and we taught her the first lesson (the restoration) it was very spiritual and just awesome!! The Spirit was very strong! She told us afterwards, "I've been praying for help cause I haven't gone to church in like 8 years. So I'm pretty sure you're sent from God" :D IT WAS AMAZING! 

We also had interviews with President Cottle! it was really fun. I love him so much! After talking with him I could tell that he definitely was called here for a reason as well :)

Elder Wilde (Shelton's Companion) and I went on exchanges and we went biking!! We biked like 8-10 miles. I had to come back and change my entire attire!! I was soaked with sweat. It was AWESOME :) haha 

I had the worst meal I think I've ever had... I felt so bad. It was like these nasty stringy noodles that were lemon flavoured. Then it was a salad with lemon dressing already on it. It had red AND yellow tomatoes, PURPLE POTATOES (WHAT?!) and a palm tree heart (which was the worst thing I've ever tasted..)

We were helping Brother Allen and his wife dig up rocks and break them so that they could outline their garden with them. Well I broke a really big one and went to pick it up and it cut me halfway across my palm. It stung like a bee.

Then we also helped Mamma K power wash her fence cause they're getting it stained this week!! We were there for like 3 hours and barely got like 15 feet!! It was ridiculous. I got so wet from the washer. I might as well have jumped into a pool xD 

Mike got the Priesthood yesterday too!! I was able to stand in on that and it was a blast. He's so excited to do the sacrament next week :) We might help him with that. He's come so far. It's awesome! He came and played football with us this morning too cause he didn't have work.  :)

So on my mission I've been "diagnosed" with like 8 diseases. I have ADD (very possible), an Eating Disorder, Studders, "Dwarf Hands".. haha and Much more :P Elder Shelton says I had ADD Cause "I laugh at his jokes and his jokes are horrible cause he has ADHD. and I can't keep a thought straight and my train of thought is just crazy"

Apparently, the women in the relief society were talking about how much I eat. hahah xD This last week for one dinner we ate at the Lerches and she made a pizza with everything on it.. Olives, mushrooms, pepperoni, onions, carrots, and so much more. It wasn't HORRIBLE. But I saw that Strawberries were for dessert. So I had 7 pieces of pizza so I wouldn't be lying when I say I'm too full for berries.... Strawberries make me sick. I don' tknow why. It bugs me cause they're huge down here..

That's really about all that happened but it was a total blast :))
Love much, Jacob :)

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