Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 7, 2014

Hmm... pretty busy week. We did even more knocking haha but we've found some pretty sweet potentials. A couple of really cool people. This guy came up to us and said "I've got a question, who is Joseph Smith?" We were all, "That's a GREAT question. let me tell you about him.." haha :) it was pretty gnarly.
We helped Ruth out a lot this week. We went over on the 4th of July and helped with her house. We got all the Trim off of the baseboards and stuff. Then Her husband gave me a hammer and said, "Have fun" I was like "Whaaaaa?!?!" So Elder Hooper and I totally started to DEMO on their house. haha :) It was a blast!! I was COVERED in soot and ash and drywall. hahaha. I plowed through a couple walls too! it was so much fun. we started at like 10:30 and did it until 5:30.
The next day though I got sick. it sucked. I was coughing up soot like crazy. That did suck.
But we taught a lot this week. it was good and mostly productive :)
On Sunday I bore my testimony at church. I've had this question on my mind a lot lately... "What would have happened to Anakin Skywalker if Qui-Gon Jin trained him like he was supposed to and not Obi-Wan Kenobi?" It's a legit question! haha, But I kinda related it back to the gospel, and how much relies on one person sometimes. Like Joseph Smith, or Paul, or the person who compiled the Bible! It's all just mind blowing! What one person can do, can and will change a million lives! Just take a second and think about it! it's crazy. but I love it :) haha
We went over to Russ' on Sunday like we do every Sunday. I helped make dinner with Shelli :) We made pancakes and eggs and sausage :) it was delish :) afterwards we watched some Bible Videos and started a discussion :) it was really good and beneficial.
Also, we ran into a Less Active member who won't come to church now. He goes to a Baptist church and plays in the band there and he has constant seizures and a lot of health issues. we went over to talk to him and fellowship him and we were talking about faith. Elder Hooper stood up and commanded him to be healed. and this guy stood up, walked around and even bend down and touched the floor! And this guy is a fairly large man who could hardly walk before. An actual healing in an instant. it was amazing. Hopefully it was enough for brother steve to come back to church. I love him. I love the people of Georgia. I really do. 
but that's about it. I love you all as well :) Thank you all for everything and all you've taught me :) keep strong :)

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