It was a fun week :)) oh my goodness!! So the beggining of the week was a drag. No one to really teach and just walking around teaching on the street. But on Thursday is when things started to pick up. All day it was boring with nothing to do. Pretty depressing actually. but!!! Branden and Brittany Patchett fed us! They were in my ward in Vegas and their in the Augusta ward now. So it was great to talk to them. She made some really good Katsu chicken or whatever. but it was pretty fantastic :) Bro Patchett shared some experiences from his mission that were just histarical. :)
After dinner, we were aimlessly walking around again and we were walking up the hill towards Walmart and Elder Kobbah says "Where are we even going??" "Dude, I don't even know. I'm just walking" We end up walking into the Walmart Parking lot, and this lady has a flat tire. She looked so distressed. No one would help her. (She was a worker and on her break). We go up and ask if we could help and she said "I wanted to ask but you both are so handsome..." "no we insist! We have plenty of white shirts! haha" so we helped her for the nest 45 minutes to change her tire cause the jack she had was itty-bitty. but she asked "Do you guys walk around all day?" "Yes ma'am!!" "Why....?!" "Cause we're missionaries from our Church.. The Church of Jesus Chri-" "I know that.. but... WHY?" "really? to just share the light of Christ with others." She just stood there in amazement. It was really interesting. but after we fixed her tire and all that stuff she gave us the nicest compliment I have ever gotten. "you two men are the nicest people i've met. I can truly see Christs reflection eminating from you two. Thank you." and she started Crying when she said it. Just so touching!! she wanted nothing to do with the church, but it was a needed experience :)
on friday, i bought some yogurt. Man. yogurt is so good. Vanilla. 2 pounds for 2 dollars. what a steal. well, I kind of got addicted to it last week and I bought some on Friday and ate it all. It made me realy sick. I was sick all weekend. It was a bummer. It actually made me mad cause I hate being sick. but we still went out and did work. also on friday, a lady from Waynesboro moved into Augusta. the Elders in Waynesboro told us about her and they took us to go meet her. Her name is Wanda. She's Puerto Rican and she's a flipping hoot. She jsut says what's on her mind. She does want to get baptized but she smokes. so we'll fix that :) She's super funny though.
oh man,on Saturday we went to go help Wanda move into her new house, but by the time we got there it was already done. So we sat and conversed and and got to know eachother. it was realy fun. we ate at the Fry's house. and she made the BEST Chicken!! wow!! there was a piece for everyone and then there was one piece left at the end. It was so good that we actually started to argue at eachother and threaten eachother with our steak knives for it! it was pretty crazy. we ended up splitting it up and dividing it out. but it was just ahhh-mazing. ALSO!!! i had my first taste of an actual watermelon!! Wow. pretty crazy. we walked in there and there was a bowl of watermelon and I knew Elder Kobbah was gonna call me out on it cause he found out this last week I've never had watermelon. so they all forced me to try some. It wasn't that bad actually. OH! And I also tried a prickly pear! like off of the Jungle Book. Kind of weird. Tasted like a Banana and tomatoe combined. I didn't like it. And the seeds are sharp so you can't chew on it. it was kind of sketchy to eat. so I only ate half.
I think that this is about it for the week. but it was better :)
I love you all :)
I love you all :)

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