Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 8/2014

"Pretty eventful week,, Compared to last,, haha!"

​It was a fun week :)) oh my goodness!!  So the beggining of the week was a drag. No one to really teach and just walking around teaching on the street.  But on Thursday is when things started to pick up. All day it was boring with nothing to do. Pretty depressing actually. but!!! Branden and Brittany Patchett fed us! They were in my ward in Vegas and their in the Augusta ward now. So it was great to talk to them. She made some really good Katsu chicken or whatever. but it was pretty fantastic :) Bro Patchett shared some experiences from his mission that were just histarical. :)
After dinner, we were aimlessly walking around again and we were walking up the hill towards Walmart and Elder Kobbah says "Where are we even going??" "Dude, I don't even know. I'm just walking" We end up walking into the Walmart Parking lot, and this lady has a flat tire. She looked so distressed. No one would help her. (She was a worker and on her break). We go up and ask if we could help and she said "I wanted to ask but you both are so handsome..." "no we insist! We have plenty of white shirts! haha" so we helped her for the nest 45 minutes to change her tire cause the jack she had was itty-bitty. but she asked "Do you guys walk around all day?" "Yes ma'am!!" "Why....?!" "Cause we're missionaries from our Church.. The Church of Jesus Chri-" "I know that.. but... WHY?" "really? to just share the light of Christ with others." She just stood there in amazement. It was really interesting. but after we fixed her tire and all that stuff she gave us the nicest compliment I have ever gotten. "you two men are the nicest people i've met. I can truly see Christs reflection eminating from you two. Thank you." and she started Crying when she said it. Just so touching!! she wanted nothing to do with the church, but it was a needed experience :)
on friday, i bought some yogurt. Man. yogurt is so good. Vanilla. 2 pounds for 2 dollars. what a steal. well, I kind of got addicted to it last week and I bought some on Friday and ate it all. It made me realy sick. I was sick all weekend. It was a bummer. It actually made me mad cause I hate being sick. but we still went out and did work. also on friday, a lady from Waynesboro moved into Augusta. the Elders in Waynesboro told us about her and they took us to go meet her. Her name is Wanda. She's Puerto Rican and she's a flipping hoot. She jsut says what's on her mind. She does want to get baptized but she smokes. so we'll fix that :) She's super funny though.
oh man,on Saturday we went to go help Wanda move into her new house, but by the time we got there it was already done. So we sat and conversed and and got to know eachother. it was realy fun. we ate at the Fry's house. and she made the BEST Chicken!! wow!! there was a piece for everyone and then there was one piece left at the end. It was so good that we actually started to argue at eachother and threaten eachother with our steak knives for it! it was pretty crazy. we ended up splitting it up and dividing it out. but it was just ahhh-mazing. ALSO!!! i had my first taste of an actual watermelon!! Wow. pretty crazy. we walked in there and there was a bowl of watermelon and I knew Elder Kobbah was gonna call me out on it cause he found out this last week I've never had watermelon. so they all forced me to try some. It wasn't that bad actually. OH! And I also tried a prickly pear! like off of the Jungle Book. Kind of weird. Tasted like a Banana and tomatoe combined. I didn't like it. And the seeds are sharp so you can't chew on it. it was kind of sketchy to eat. so I only ate half.
I think that this is about it for the week. but it was better :)
I love you all :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 2, 2014

​Pretty good week overall :))
My bike was broken for most of the week so we walked a lot and i got a nasty blister. BETWEEN my toes. How doest that happen? but Elder Morris, a senior missionary, fixed my bike for me so now it's works like a charm :))
all of our investigators have gone missing. Stop returning calls and everything. so we're starting fresh. again. so we did a lot of street contacting this week. nothing exciting :/
OH!! GUYS!! I ATE MY FIRST PEANUT!! we were at dinner, and for dessert she brings out ice cream and peanuts and i'm all "Guys, this is my first peanut" and she screams "YOU'VE NEVER EATEN A PEANUT?!" "I have now" hahaha :) i said... "wow, it tastes just like peanut butter!" I know Peanut Butter is made of peanuts but i wasn't expecting it to taste exactly like it.. :)
ahaha. yesterday for P-day, we played volleyball and dodgeball (with the volleyball) and it was a blast! Jumping around everywhere an all that.
alas, I forgot my planner again so i'm going off my memory, which we all know isn't that good. so that's all for now :) but i love you all dearly and hope to hear from you soon :)
Love always, Jacob :)

August 24,2014

​What a fantastic week, guys!! First off. I ALMOST DIED!! literally!! I don't think i've ever been scared so bad. Biking. using Elder Yeagers bike (with no brakes at all) and going down a HUGE hill. So i'm picking up quite a bit of speed, right? We have to make a super sharp right turn so I go over to the left side of the road to try to fly over into the turn. and you know how there are those metal pole thingies that you have to go in and out of apartment complexes? well the entrance one is always open and the exit only opens from the inside. Elder Kobbah makes it into the entrance and looks back to make sure I make it as well. Well I make it, but I go into the exit lane. With the metal bar right in front of me. TIME. SLOWED. DOWN. I realized, I can either bail out or go flying. I look left and it was a SUPER sharp plant. Almost like a cactus. on the right, a generator. I decided to go flying, and right at that moment I screamed and the metal bar went flying! It came off the generator and the bar went flying. I still couldn't stop cause it was downhill. So I had to ride back up the hill to get to Elder Kobbah. and by this time we're both just busting up laughing. I don't know how it had happened, cause the handle bars weren't high enough to hit the bar, so it just flew off right before I hit it or something. Definitely the Lord's hand in that moment. What a tender mercy!!
it was a good topic for the entire week :) but that day I got a new bike! Elder Belliston, a missionary in the zone went home this week and gave his bike to Elder Nielson and Elder Nielson gave me his old bike :) what a blessing :)
but i am tired of biking. I sweath through 2 to 3 shirts a day, and I only have like 5 or 6 white shirts. So I do laundry 2 or 3 times a week. It's horrible.
We had Zone Conference with elder Kapishka from the 70's. really cool. he taught me a lot. so did President and Sister Cottle :) just such an inspired meeting! I saw Elder Hatch there too. I loved it! he makes me happy :) love it here :)
that's really about it :) i love y'all! :)
love Jacob :)

August 18th, 2014

​Man! what a crazy week. biking and biking and biking! i'm gonna have a fantastic butt and thighs by the time I leave Augusta! :) hahaha. But it was good. We taught a lot of people. a couple of people seem pretty cool but no one showed up to church this week :/
We had Zone training this week. which is just a bunch of missionaries teaching each other to be better missionaries. it's actually very beneficial :) I love it. 
Super cool!! I found out that Mike Hoernke, one of my first baptisms in Grovetown, moved onto Fort Gordon, which is part of the Augusta Ward!! so he's in our building :) This last sunday, Elder Kobbah and I taught Gospel principles. It was about Charity. Which worked out perfectly, cause earlier that week, a lady came up to us at Walmart and said, "Hey, can I buy your grocieries?" SO SWEET!! :) but we went to church in Augusta AND to the branch on Fort Gordon. So we had church for 6 hours yesterday :) haha it was exhausting but it was really cool :)
We really didn't do much except for walking around and talk to strangers. most of the people here are really nice :) but no one is really standing out at the moment. :/
Love you all, Jacob :))

August 11, 2014

I know I am really super behind.... life has been crazy, and for some reason my emails won't let me bring up july's emails from Elder Johnson! Dang it!!!!

here's his email from August 11

Wow wow wow. Crazy week guys. first off, I  got transferred!! Right to Augusta!! which is right outside of Grovetown! my first area!!​ So that's exciting :) but I'm on a bike. less exciting. Augusta is all hills too. Blarg. My thighs are already massive cause of it. I would rather bike 20 miles in Baxley, then 4 miles in Augusta. haha. but the very first day. we went into a store and there wasn't anywhere to lock our bikes up so I stood by the window to watch them. I turned around for not even 2 minutes, I look and it was gone. I was pretty upset. but I guess they needed the bike more than I did. I've called the cops. but no luck so far. :/ So we were the walking Elders. but the zone leaders let me borrow one of their bikes. it was really nice of them.
so the next day we're all biking around and my tire goes flat. I don't think i'm meant to be a biking elder at all. We did fix it the next day. so we're biking again.
My new companion is Elder Kobbah. He's from Texas. He's a pretty cool guy. He's pretty stern. Much like elder Blain, my first companion. but he's chill. he's been out for about 5 months now. 
Of course I forgot my planner today. So sorry if it's a short email..
All we truly did was knock this last week cause we whitewashed in the area. Neither of us knew the area. so we biked around and knocked trying to get to know people. It's a nice little area :) Wish us luck. it's already rained on us twice. hardcore. hhaah :) but y'all know I love the rain.
Love much Jacob :)