Totally forgot my planner this week so I don't remember what we all did... hahaha
We had 4 people come to church this week! :) That was pretty fantastic :) it was a really good Sunday too :)
We had a Zone Conference this last week! Which is just a
way for missionaries to be better missionaries :) But at this one, one
of the trainings, someone said "The Spirit doesn't testify to dumb
analogies" When I teach, I use analogies like crazy. but now we're "not
supposed to teach using them" but then I started thinking, Did not Jesus
use parables, which is just a fancy word for analogies? haha. SO! I
thought it was funny :)
On Saturday,
we made signs that said "Mormon.Org" And we were twirling these signs
at the street corner, and no one was really reacting. so I'm all "we've
gotta change something up.." So we go to the CVS store and use a
sharpie, and on my sign I wrote "HONK IF YOU LOVE JESUS" And we got a
lot more enthusiasm :) ahaha we were out there for a couple of hours.
From like 12-5! haha :) I got so sunburned! a preacher came up to us and
tried to bash with us, so I just walked away and kept twirling my sign
:) hahaha :)
I'm sorry this is so short, I can't remember anything at the moment..h hahaha :P
But I love you all so much :)
But I love you all so much :)
Love, Jacob :)
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